Wasabi Root

Candied Guavas in the making.


Rope Reflections in Troubled Waters.

The Christmas Tree

Rocks Collected

Basket Of Mangos

Do Not Lock Me Out

Merry Christmas 2016

Guánica, PR.

Candel Of Faith

The Artisan's Workshop

What's Left Of Iraq
My son's war boots.

Dancing Fountain

My Dad's baby gown
alive and 101, gave me this many years back. All my four children and now my grandson have worn it....

The Blue Wrap

La Pieta
The most beautiful marvel sculpture that excists.Michelangelo, Rome.

Mater Admirabilis
Wall Fresco, 150 years old. macro mode. F5.6

A Dream of Africa
Wall Graffitti

#209 a fisherman's boat

Room When Gandhi's Wife Died
actual place, made into a museum. Poone India.
Copyright for these photos belongs solely to Viveca Venegas. Images may not be copied, downloaded, or used in any way without the expressed, written permission of the photographer.